//[[restapi:start|RESTful API]]//
====== Phone List Guidelines ======
Generally when sending blasts you will need to create a recipient list. This recipient list its a file that contains the detailed information for each recipient. The file could also contain additional parameters for each recipient. //Parameters can help to customize information.//
We have different file format depending on each case.
===== Previous Versions =====
[[restapi:appx_phonelist_5_3_52|Tag 5.3.52]]
===== List Name =====
The subscription lists have a name, which is useful to identify them easily when using them. The use of any string of characters is allowed as long as it meets the following conditions:
* Blank names are not allowed.
* The following characters are not allowed: / : < > &
* The number of characters must be less than or equal to 200.
===== Basic CSV Recipient List =====
This CSV file has only a single column with the recipient mobile number.
Expected File's columns, //if not listed it doesn't exist//:
- Mobile Number
==== CSV Sample ====
===== Recipient List With Parameters =====
Based on [[restapi:appx_phonelist#basic_csv_recipient_list|Basic CSV file]] this file adds **optional** parameters to store additional information per recipient.
You can use CSV or Excel format to build this file.
Expected File's columns
- Mobile Number
- Parameter 1 //{0}//
- Parameter 2 //{1}//
- Parameter 3 //{2}//
- ...
==== CSV Sample ====
Parameters mechanism: \\ You may include //placeholders// in your message's content using **{#}** notation //(# its a real number starting in 0)//, if you include them, they will be replaced for the respective column's content starting from the 2nd column in this case.
==== Excel Sample ====
Note that instead of using double quotes to indicate text fields you have to [[https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Format-a-date-the-way-you-want-8e10019e-d5d8-47a1-ba95-db95123d273e#__toc320186182|change the column format to text]] using excel.
^ A ^ B ^ C ^
| @white:13056708084 | @white:jane | @white:doe |
| @white:18133210984 | @white:john | @white:doe |
===== SMSs Recipient List =====
The first 6 columns of this file are **mandatory**. Starting on the 7th column will be **optional** and must be related with the content of your message.
You can use CSV or Excel format to build this file.
Expected File's columns, //if not listed it doesn't exist//:
- Recipient's Mobile Number
- From
- Carrier Name
- Text
- Encoding //Default UTF-8//
- Timezone
- Parameter 1 //{0}//
- Parameter 2 //{1}//
- Parameter 3 //{2}//
- ...
==== CSV Sample ====
"13056708084","19893653744","CarrierName","UTF-8","America/New_York","Hi {0}. Welcome to {1}","Matt Ford","this test"
"18133210984","19893653744","CarrierName","UTF-8","America/New_York","Hi {0}. Welcome to {1}","Ed Harris","this test"
Parameters mechanism: \\ You may include //placeholders// in your message's content using **{#}** notation //(# its a real number starting in 0)//, if you include them, they will be replaced for the respective column's content starting from the 7th column in this case.
==== Excel Sample ====
Note that instead of using double quotes to indicate text fields you have to [[https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Format-a-date-the-way-you-want-8e10019e-d5d8-47a1-ba95-db95123d273e#__toc320186182|change the column format to text]] using excel.
^ A ^ B ^ C ^ D ^ E ^ F ^ G ^ H ^
| @white:13056708084 | @white:19893653744 | @white:CarrierName | @white:UTF-8 | @white:America/New_York | @white:Hi {0}. Welcome to {1} | @white:Matt Ford | @white:this test |
| @white:18133210984 | @white:19893653744 | @white:CarrierName | @white:UTF-8 | @white:America/New_York | @white:Hi {0}. Welcome to {1} | @white:Ed Harris | @white:this test |
===== SMSs Recipient List (simple) =====
Two single columns that define the recipient and the text message to send.
You can use CSV or Excel format to build this file.
Expected File's columns, //if not listed it doesn't exist//:
- Recipient's Mobile Number
- Text
==== CSV Sample ====
"13056708084","Text message for user 13056708084"
"18133210984","Text message for user 18133210984"
==== Excel Sample ====
Note that instead of using double quotes to indicate text fields you have to [[https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Format-a-date-the-way-you-want-8e10019e-d5d8-47a1-ba95-db95123d273e#__toc320186182|change the column format to text]] using excel.
^ A ^ B ^
| @white:13056708084 | @white:Text message for user 13056708084 |
| @white:18133210984 | @white:Text message for user 18133210984 |
===== SMSs Recipient JSON =====
Similar to the SMSs recipient files this will include the mobilenumber and the text for each recipient
Expected tags, //if not listed it doesn't exist//:
- mobilenumber: Recipient's Mobile Number
- text: The text to be sent to the recipient
==== JSON Sample ====
{"mobilenumber":"00000000","text":"Test1 createBroadcastFromJson"},
{"mobilenumber":"00000001","text":"Test2 createBroadcastFromJson"}
===== Email Recipient List =====
The first column of this file is **mandatory**. Starting on the 2nd column will be **optional** and must be related with the content of your message.
You can use CSV or Excel format to build this file.
Expected File's columns, //if not listed it doesn't exist//:
- Recipient's email address
- Parameter 1 //{0}//
- Parameter 2 //{1}//
- Parameter 3 //{2}//
- ...
==== CSV Sample ====
"matt_ford@ogangi.com","Matt Ford","April"
"ed_harris@ogangi.com","Ed Harris","March"
Parameters mechanism: \\ You may include //placeholders// in your message's content using **{#}** notation //(# its a real number starting in 0)//, if you include them, they will be replaced for the respective column's content starting from the 7th column in this case.
==== Excel Sample ====
Note that instead of using double quotes to indicate text fields you have to [[https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Format-a-date-the-way-you-want-8e10019e-d5d8-47a1-ba95-db95123d273e#__toc320186182|change the column format to text]] using excel.
^ A ^ B ^ C ^
| @white:matt_ford@ogangi.com | @white:Matt Ford | @white:April |
| @white:ed_harris@ogangi.com | @white:Ed Harris | @white:March |
===== Recipient List (with variables) =====
The first column of this file is **mandatory**. Starting on the 2nd column will be **optional** and must be related with the content of your message.
You can use CSV or Excel format to build this file.
Expected File's columns, //if not listed it doesn't exist//:
- Mobile number
- Parameter 1 //{0}//
- Parameter 2 //{1}//
- Parameter 3 //{2}//
- ...
==== CSV Sample ====
"13056708084","Matt Ford","April"
"18133210984","Ed Harris","March"
Parameters mechanism: \\ You may include //placeholders// in your message's content using **{#}** notation //(# its a real number starting in 0)//, if you include them, they will be replaced for the respective column's content starting from the 7th column in this case.
==== Excel Sample ====
Note that instead of using double quotes to indicate text fields you have to [[https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Format-a-date-the-way-you-want-8e10019e-d5d8-47a1-ba95-db95123d273e#__toc320186182|change the column format to text]] using excel.
^ A ^ B ^ C ^
| 13056708084 | @white:Matt Ford | @white:April |
| 18133210984 | @white:Ed Harris | @white:March |
===== Segmented Recipient List =====
All parameters on the file are **optional**, the only **mandatory** parameter is the recipient and it has to be at the first column
You can use CSV or Excel format to build this file. Both cases requires a header row at the beginning
Expected File's columns, //if not listed it doesn't exist//:
- Mobile Number
- Parameter 1 //{0}//
- Parameter 2 //{1}//
- Parameter 3 //{2}//
- ...
==== CSV Sample ====
"13056708084","jane","New York"
"18133210984","john","New York"
Please read the [[:file_structure|File structure]] to learn more about this.
==== Excel Sample ====
Note that instead of using double quotes to indicate text fields you have to [[https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Format-a-date-the-way-you-want-8e10019e-d5d8-47a1-ba95-db95123d273e#__toc320186182|change the column format to text]] using excel.
^ A ^ B ^ C ^
| @white:customer_phone_num | @white:name | @white:city |
| @white:13056708084 | @white:jane | @white:New York |
| @white:18133210984 | @white:john | @white:New York |
===== Black List (Add Users)=====
This CSV file has three single columns per register
Expected File's columns, //if not listed it doesn't exist//:
- Mobile Number
- Black List Type
- Comment
==== CSV Sample ====
"13053456781","1","comment 1"
"13053456782","2","other comment"
"13053456783","3","more comment"
===== Black List (Delete Users)=====
This CSV file has a single column per register
Expected File's columns, //if not listed it doesn't exist//:
- Mobile Number
==== CSV Sample ====
===== OWNCODE Recipient List =====
Two single columns that define the recipient and the text message to send.
You can use CSV or Excel format to build this file.
Expected File's columns, //if not listed it doesn't exist//:
- Recipient's Mobile Number
- Text to send
==== CSV Sample ====
"13056708084","Text message for user 13056708084"
"18133210984","Text message for user 18133210984"
==== Excel Sample ====
Note that instead of using double quotes to indicate text fields you have to [[https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Format-a-date-the-way-you-want-8e10019e-d5d8-47a1-ba95-db95123d273e#__toc320186182|change the column format to text]] using excel.
^ A ^ B ^
| @white:13056708084 | @white:Text message for user 13056708084 |
| @white:18133210984 | @white:Text message for user 18133210984 |