//[[restapi:start|RESTful API]]//
====== Restriction List File Format ======
You can add multiples recipients to the restriction list by building this file.
All parameters on the file are **optional**, the only **mandatory** parameter it's the recipient and it has to be at the first column
This file could be either a text file or an excel one.
Expected File's columns, //if not listed it doesn't exist//:
- Recipient
- Reason
==== Text File - Sample ====
Please be aware that we use **//semicolon// (;)** to separate fields inside the text file.
==== Excel File - Sample ====
Note that you don't have to use semicolon as separator when using excel files.
^ A ^ B ^
| @white:jonhdoe@gmail.com | @white:BOUNCED |
| @white:peterparker@hotmail.com | @white:COMPLAINED |
| @white:janedoe@yahoo.com | @white:COMPLAINED |