//[[restapi:start|RESTful API]]//
====== Posting a Message to the Twitter Timeline ======
==== Previous Versions ====
[[restapi:posting_to_the_twitter_timeline_3_34|Tag 34]]
==== Overview ====
Allows you to post messages in your Twitter's Timeline.
Use this method if you meet the following requirements:
* You have a [[https://get.fabric.io|Twitter app]].
* You has registered your app with the Campaign Manager
* You have granted permissions to the application to post messages in your Twitter's Timeline
==== URL ====
Parameters on the following URL are inside braces { }
^ Parameter Name ^ Description ^
| instanceId | An **instance id** is the workspace identification number, //if you don't know yours please request it using our [[misc:otto|ticketing tool]], you will need to provide your Mobile Engagement Campaign Manager's URL and your user login// |
| deviceId | The user's identifier. In this particular case will be the Twitter pseudonym or alias. |
| appName | Your Twitter App's name which will post your messages |
| content \\ POST | A file that contains the content for your message. This is a text file that could contain HTML format |
| publicKey | The public key to access this API. //if you don't know yours please request it using our [[misc:otto|ticketing tool]], you will need to provide your Mobile Engagement Campaign Manager's URL and your user login// |
| signature | The unique [[restapi:appx_ciphering#SHA256 - Cipher|SHA256]] signature for this call, it's involve all input parameters. To learn about generating the correct signature please visit our [[restapi:appx_call_ex|Java Example]] |
==== Response ====
The Response XML is divided in a static part and a dynamic one, we call it dynamic because it will vary depending on the method you invoke. Please read our [[restapi:appx_resp_xml|Response XML Basics]] section if you want to learn more about the response parts.
OKCompletedtestapirestmmcTest postAppTwitter API MMCMessangiTestTWITTERtrue005Successful transaction123456789-fA3dsS469YvLL9YEXC495KoX8oIxsC0jPsqKWVTk3SDErtyEsCMyV9Ejq9C9I8ItwGNcxWd8PbafD9wxObG259iEtrTRscDsq1elizWZywWEFOPRDCh5QGuSxuEqTwtm51xsyRgX0BdN8beOp0
== Result parameters ==
^ Parameter Name ^ Description ^ Possible Values ^
| message.deviceId | The user's identifier | Text |
| message.msgContent | Message's content | Text |
| message.appName | Your Twitter App's name | Text |
| message.platform | Platform of the application | TWITTER |
| message.providerResponse.successful | Indicates if the post was successful or not | true \\ false |
| message.providerResponse.code | The Twitter's server code returned once the transaction is completed | Text |
| message.providerResponse.description | The Twitter's server code related description returned once the transaction is completed | Text |
| message.accessToken | The Twitter App's Access Token | Text |
| message.accessTokenSecret | The Twitter App's Access Token Secret | Text |
| message.consumerKey | The Twitter App's Consumer key | Text |
| message.consumerSecret | The Twitter App's Consumer secret | Text |