//[[restapi:start|RESTful API]]//
====== Message Report ======
==== Overview ====
List all messages information in a given period of time. It support filters to help you get the desired information easily.
==== URL ====
Parameters on the following URL are inside braces { }
^ Parameter Name ^ Description ^
| instanceId | An **instance id** is the workspace identification number, //if you don't know yours please request it using our [[misc:otto|ticketing tool]], you will need to provide your Mobile Engagement Campaign Manager's URL and your user login// |
| initialDate | Starting timestamp Measured in milliseconds, between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. |
| finalDate | Final timestamp Measured in milliseconds, between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. |
| page | This is a paginated method, so please use **page** to indicate the actual page you want to retrieve. |
| resultsPerPage | How many results to show per page. //Note that this will affect the total amount of pages// |
| parameters | This parameters are special filters to narrow results when dealing with big amounts of data, Please find more information about these filters in the [[restapi:appx_mt_search|MT Inline Search String]] appendix |
| publicKey | The public key to access this API. //if you don't know yours please request it using our [[misc:otto|ticketing tool]], you will need to provide your Mobile Engagement Campaign Manager's URL and your user login// |
| signature | The unique [[restapi:appx_ciphering#SHA256 - Cipher|SHA256]] signature for this call, it's involve all input parameters. To learn about generating the correct signature please visit our [[restapi:appx_call_ex|Java Example]] |
==== Response ====
The Response XML is divided in a static part and a dynamic one, we call it dynamic because it will vary depending on the method you invoke. Please read our [[restapi:appx_resp_xml|Response XML Basics]] section if you want to learn more about the response parts.
OKCompleted15-24908200261975354472758ebc5-1db5-4822-a5ed-36121e0674a6PUSHInbox18133210984Inbox Push OgangiInbox Push Ogangi MessageSENTSent2014-01-24T12:45:50.903-04:302015-11-04T11:47:26.511-04:30America/CaracasAs223sdadq8d8287v5vInboxIOS11147
== Result parameters ==
Please be aware that the **////** tag and its content is a generic object and may apply to other responses in other methods.
^ Parameter Name ^ Description ^ Possible Values ^
| message.blastId | Unique (internal) identifier for the blast used to fire the message | Text |
| message.id | Unique identifier for the message created | Text |
| message.type | Indicates the kind of message that was sent | **PUSH \\ SMS \\ EMAIL ** |
| message.from | Who sent the message | for PUSH, Application that sent the message \\ for SMS, Short/Long code which originated the message \\ for EMAIL, the email address which sent the message. |
| message.to | Recipient for this message | Any of the following: ** \\ deviceId \\ mobile number \\ email address ** |
| message.subject | Message's subject | Text |
| message.text | Message's content | Text |
| message.status | Indicates the message's status at the origination moment | See our [[restapi:appx_msg_status#blast|Message's Status]] page |
| message.statusDescription | A human readable explanation about the current status | Text |
| message.date | Time mark at the origination moment | A formatted date string: **yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ** \\ For more information please review the [[restapi:appx_date|pattern letters]] quick reference |
| message. lastUpdated | The date when message's status changed. | A formatted date string: **yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ** \\ For more information please review the [[restapi:appx_date|pattern letters]] quick reference |
| message.timezone | Timezone used | Text |
| message.clientId | The client identification (sender) | Text |
| message.appName | App used, only available when using PUSH | Text |
| message.platform | App platform, only available when using PUSH | Text |
| message.bcid | Unique main identifier for the broadcast used to fire the message | Text |
====== Blast Report ======
==== Overview ====
List all blast information for in a given period of time. It support basic filters to help you get the desired information easily.
==== URL ====
Parameters on the following URL are inside braces { }
^ Parameter Name ^ Description ^
| instanceId | An **instance id** is the workspace identification number, //if you don't know yours please request it using our [[misc:otto|ticketing tool]], you will need to provide your Mobile Engagement Campaign Manager's URL and your user login// |
| initialDate | Time mark at the origination moment Measured in milliseconds, between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. |
| finalDate | Time mark at the origination moment Measured in milliseconds, between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. |
| parameters | This parameters are special filters to narrow results when dealing with big amounts of data, Please find more information about these filters in the [[restapi:appx_blast_search|Blast Inline Search String]] appendix |
| publicKey | The public key to access this API. //if you don't know yours please request it using our [[misc:otto|ticketing tool]], you will need to provide your Mobile Engagement Campaign Manager's URL and your user login// |
| signature | The unique [[restapi:appx_ciphering#SHA256 - Cipher|SHA256]] signature for this call, it's involve all input parameters. To learn about generating the correct signature please visit our [[restapi:appx_call_ex|Java Example]] |
==== Response ====
The Response XML is divided in a static part and a dynamic one, we call it dynamic because it will vary depending on the method you invoke. Please read our [[restapi:appx_resp_xml|Response XML Basics]] section if you want to learn more about the response parts.
== Result parameters ==
Please be aware that the **////** tag and its content is a generic object and may apply to other responses in other methods.
^ Parameter Name ^ Description ^ Possible Values ^
| blast.blastId | Unique identifier for the blast used to fire the message | Text |
| blast.status | The current blast's status | SCHEDULED, SENDING, FAILED or FINISHED |
| blast.sending | Number of this blast's messages with 'sending' state. | Number |
| blast.sent | Number of this blast's messages with 'sent' state. | Number |
| blast.read | Number of this blast's messages with 'read' state. | Number |
| blast.bounced | Number of this blast's messages with 'bounced' state. | Number |
| blast.complained | Number of this blast's messages with 'complained' state. | Number |
====== Scratch Card Report ======
==== Overview ====
List all Scratch Cards information configured for a given period of time.
==== URL ====
Parameters on the following URL are inside braces { }
^ Parameter Name ^ Description ^
| instanceId | An **instance id** is the workspace identification number, //if you don't know yours please request it using our [[misc:otto|ticketing tool]], you will need to provide your Mobile Engagement Campaign Manager's URL and your user login// |
| initialDate | Time mark at the origination moment A formatted date string: **yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ** \\ For more information please review the [[restapi:appx_date|pattern letters]] quick reference |
| finalDate | Time mark at the origination moment A formatted date string: **yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ** \\ For more information please review the [[restapi:appx_date|pattern letters]] quick reference |
| parameter | The only search parameter permitted is EXTERNAL_ID. Ex: EXTERNAL_ID=CampaignName will only show results with that EXTERNAL_ID. Write **null** to ignore this parameter |
| publicKey | The public key to access this API. //if you don't know yours please request it using our [[misc:otto|ticketing tool]], you will need to provide your Mobile Engagement Campaign Manager's URL and your user login// |
| signature | The unique [[restapi:appx_ciphering#SHA256 - Cipher|SHA256]] signature for this call, it's involve all input parameters. To learn about generating the correct signature please visit our [[restapi:appx_call_ex|Java Example]] |
==== Response ====
The Response XML is divided in a static part and a dynamic one, we call it dynamic because it will vary depending on the method you invoke. Please read our [[restapi:appx_resp_xml|Response XML Basics]] section if you want to learn more about the response parts.
== Result parameters ==
^ Parameter Name ^ Description ^ Possible Values ^
| scratchCardReport.records | The number of the total records | Number |
| scratchCardReportItem.externalId | The externalId of the scratchcard. | Text |
| scratchCardReportItem.totalSent | The number of times that a scratchcard has been sent. | Number |
| scratchCardReportItem.totalVisit | How many users have seen the scratchcard | Number |
| scratchCardReportItem.clientDate | Time mark at the origination moment | A formatted date string: **yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ** \\ For more information please review the [[restapi:appx_date|pattern letters]] quick reference | Date |
| scratchCardReportItem.timezone | The scratchcard's timezone. | Text |
====== URLs Redirect's Report ======
==== Overview ====
Retrieve and review all statistic information about all redirect URL configured for a period of time. Filters are available to help you dealing with big amounts of data.
==== URL ====
Parameters on the following URL are inside braces { }
^ Parameter Name ^ Description ^
| instanceId | An **instance id** is the workspace identification number, //if you don't know yours please request it using our [[misc:otto|ticketing tool]], you will need to provide your Mobile Engagement Campaign Manager's URL and your user login// |
| initialDate | Time mark at the origination moment A formatted date string: **yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ** \\ For more information please review the [[restapi:appx_date|pattern letters]] quick reference |
| finalDate | Time mark at the origination moment A formatted date string: **yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ** \\ For more information please review the [[restapi:appx_date|pattern letters]] quick reference |
| page | This is a paginated method, so please use **page** to indicate the actual page you want to retrieve. |
| resultsPerPage | How many results to show per page. //Note that this will affect the total amount of pages// |
| filters | Use filters to narrow results when dealing with big amounts of data, Please find more information about these filters in the [[restapi:appx_url_search|URL Inline Search String]] appendix |
| publicKey | The public key to access this API. //if you don't know yours please request it using our [[misc:otto|ticketing tool]], you will need to provide your Mobile Engagement Campaign Manager's URL and your user login// |
| signature | The unique [[restapi:appx_ciphering#SHA256 - Cipher|SHA256]] signature for this call, it's involve all input parameters. To learn about generating the correct signature please visit our [[restapi:appx_call_ex|Java Example]] |
==== Response ====
The Response XML is divided in a static part and a dynamic one, we call it dynamic because it will vary depending on the method you invoke. Please read our [[restapi:appx_resp_xml|Response XML Basics]] section if you want to learn more about the response parts.
== Result parameters ==
^ Parameter Name ^ Description ^ Possible Values ^
| redirectUrlReport.records | Total hits found for this search | Number |
| url.fullUrl | The real API URL. | URL |
| url.shortUrl | A short version of the URL that uses apache redirects to resolve to the API URL. | URL |
| url.destinationURL | URL where you will be redirected. | URL |
| url.to | Recipient's mobile number | Text |
| url.externalId | Campaign name which belongs Redirect Url. | Text |
| url.clientId | The Client´s identifier. | Text |
| url.visits | Current visits count for this URL | Number |
| url.oneTime | Indicates if the URL is available just 1 time for each user | true \\ false |
| url.isActive | Indicates if the URL is active at the moment | true \\ false |
| url.clientDate | Time mark at the origination moment | A formatted date string: **yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ** \\ For more information please review the [[restapi:appx_date|pattern letters]] quick reference |