===== Using Main List data as parameters =====
Users can use the Main List attributes when sending broadcasts or when using campaigns through the column name, for example:
Assume that your Main List contains the following information:
^ customer_phone_number ^ LST_ACQ_SRC_ID ^ STORE ^ customer_optin_status ^ birthday ^ nick ^
| +13055468310 | 105 | 921 st | 1 | AUG 7th | Jane |
You can use this information using a basic syntax as follows:
Hi {nick}, remember to use the store at {STORE} when shopping next {birthday}!
The Campaign Manager will dynamically replace those values for each recipient, for example if you set that text in a Broadcast the final message in this example will be:
Hi Jane, remember to use the store at 921 st when shopping next AUG 7th!
Please note that you can use this notation only in the following products:
- Broadcast
- On-Demand/Keywords
- Multiple Choice
- Raffle
- Scratch Cards
- Manual Send
If the mobile number (customer_phone_number) doesn't have a value to replace the field will remain unchanged.