This descriptor -as a json file- contains all the details to describe each different type of campaign (Multiple Choice, Raffle, Keyword and External Interaction)
{ "name": "Campaign Name", "description": "Campaign Description", "useFallback": false, "wildcards": true, "active": 1, "delivery_method": "SMS", "listIds": "", "autowildcards": true, "keyphrasesBegin": false, "onetime": false, "autoMenu": true, "alertMimAggregator": "none", "mute": false, "isMenu": false, "typeMessage": "0", "oncorrect": "Campaign Correct", "onincorrect": "Campaign Incorrect", "startup_keyword_activated": true, "HTTPMETHOD": "GET", "URL": "{base_url}/", "rafflePriceThreshold": 4, "cycle": 2, "raffleTypeId": 5, "oneCycle": -1, "alreadyWinner": 1, "KeywordInit": { "keyphrase": "KeywordInitValue1,KeywordInitValue2", "label": "KeywordInitValue" }, "questions": [ { "question": "Question 1", "prize": 10, "answers": [ { "keyphrase": "rp1-1|rp1-2|rp1-3", "label": "label 1", "nexQuestionNumber": "0", "isCorrect": true, "campaign": "campaign demo 1", "keyword": "keyword1" } ] } ], "answers": [ { "keyphrase": "keyphraseQ1A1|keyphraseQ1A2|keyphraseQ1A3", "label": "labelA 1", "response": "Response 1" } ], "prizes": [ { "prizeQuantity": "3", "prizeName": "Prize 1", "dropCycle": "1", "responsePrize": "Prize 1" } ] }
Parameter Name | Description | Possible Values |
name | Campaign Name | Text |
description | Campaign description text | Text |
useFallback | Enables SMS Fallback if using a non SMS Delivery method | Boolean |
wildcards OPTIONAL | Allows the uses of wildcards to activate the campaign | Boolean |
active | Use 1 to activate the campaign, 0 to keep it deactivated | Number |
delivery_method | Change the delivery channel. Use one of the following: SMS, PUSH | Text |
listIds OPTIONAL | Use this parameter only if you want to whitelist users using custom distribution lists | Text |
autowildcards OPTIONAL | Use true to automatically generate a wildcard expression | Boolean |
keyphrasesBegin OPTIONAL | Force the presence of the desire keyword at the start of the message to initiate the campaign | Boolean |
onetime OPTIONAL | If true user can only use the campaign one time | Boolean |
autoMenu OPTIONAL | Automatically generates a menu using all keywords configured | Boolean |
mute OPTIONAL | Mute the campaign output | Boolean |
isMenu | If true the campaign will be a menu. Applies only for Multiple Choice | Boolean |
typeMessage | Use 0 to create a Poll or 1 to create a Contest. Applies only for Multiple Choice | Text |
oncorrect | On correct answer message | Text |
onincorrect | On incorrect answer message | Text |
startup_keyword_activated | if true the user can only start the campaign by using the configured keyword | Boolean |
HTTPMETHOD | The http method to use when calling the configured URLs. Use GET or POST. Applies only when for External Web Service | Text |
URL | The URL to call on every message received. Applies only when for External Web Service | Text |
rafflePriceThreshold | Send a low prizes inventory notification when the inventory fall below this number | Number |
cycle | Cycles by day | Number |
raffleTypeId | Use “5” tu use cycles or “6” for the regular Raffle | Number |
oneCycle | Use 1 to allow one cycle per day | Number |
alreadyWinner | Use 1 to allow the user to win multiple times, use 0 to limit one user per price | Number |
questions | Contains the questions pool for the Multiple Choice | Text |
questions.question | Question text | Text |
questions.prize | Points to win if the user answer correctly | Numérico |
questions.answers | Contains the answers pool | Text |
questions.answers.keyphrase | Keyword to match this answer. Use “,” to indicate multiple keywords | Text |
questions.answers.label | Answer internal label | Text |
questions.answers.nexQuestionNumber | Indicate which will be the next question after answer this one, use 0 to end | Number |
questions.answers.isCorrect | Indicates if this answer is the correct one | Boolean |
questions.answers.campaign | Indicates which campaign will be triggered if user select this answer, Applies only when typeMessage is 0 and isMenu is true, otherwise it will be ignored | Text |
questions.answers.keyword | Which keyword will be interpreted if this answer is selected | Text |
answers | Contains the answers pool | Text |
answers.keyphrase | Keyword to match this answer. Use “,” to indicate multiple keywords | Text |
answers.label | Answer internal label | Text |
answers.response | Response to deliver if this answer is selected | Text |
prizes | Contains the prizes pool. Applies only for Raffle | Text |
prizes.prizeQuantity | How many prizes on inventory | Number |
prizes.prizeName | Prize name | Text |
prizes.dropCycle | How many prizes can be awarded by cycle | Text |
prizes.responsePrize | Message to deliver when a user win this prize | Text |
{ "startup_keyword_activated": true, "KeywordInit": { "keyphrase": "init1,init2,init3", "label": "demoInit" }, "wildcards": true, "questions": [ { "question": "Question 1", "answers": [ { "keyphrase": "rp1-1|rp1-2|rp1-3", "nexQuestionNumber": "0", "keyword": "keyword1", "isCorrect": true }, { "keyphrase": "rp2-1|rp2-2|rp2-3", "nexQuestionNumber": "0", "keyword": "keyword2", "isCorrect": "false" } ], "prize": 20 } ], "active": 1, "description": "Description Multiple choice", "isMenu": false, "useFallback": false, "typeMessage": "0", "oncorrect": "Correct", "delivery_method": "SMS", "name": "Name Multiple choice", "onincorrect": "Incorrect" }
{ "useFallback": false, "delivery_method": "SMS", "answers": [ { "response": "Response Question 1", "keyphrase": "response1_1|response1_2|dresponse1_3", "label": "lebel1" }, { "response": "Response Question 2", "keyphrase": "response2_1|response2_2|response2_3", "label": "lebel2" } ], "name": "Name Keywords", "active": 1, "description": "Description Keywords" }
{ "HTTPMETHOD": "GET", "useFallback": false, "delivery_method": "SMS", "answers": [ { "response": "Response External", "keyphrase": "response1_1|response1_2|response1_3", "label": "label" } ], "name": "Name External Web Servicese", "active": 1, "description": "Description External Web Servicese", "URL": "" }
{ "oneCycle": -1, "useFallback": false, "rafflePriceThreshold": 4, "prizes": [ { "prizeQuantity": "3", "prizeName": "Prize 1", "dropCycle": "1", "responsePrize": "Response Prize 1" }, { "prizeQuantity": "6", "prizeName": "Prize 2", "dropCycle": "2", "responsePrize": "Response Prize 2" } ], "delivery_method": "SMS", "answers": [ { "response": "Response Raffle", "keyphrase": "response1_1|response1_2|response1_3", "label": "label" } ], "name": "Name Raffle", "active": 1, "alreadyWinner": 1, "description": "Description Raffle", "cycle": 2, "raffleTypeId": 5 }