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MO Inline Search String

Available Search filters

Name Possible Values Description
CARRIER Text Filter the response by the Carrier's Name
TO Text Filter the response by TO
FROM Text Filter the response by FROM
KEYWORD Text A regular expression to filter by keyword. Learn more about regular expressions here. Advance users could check this summary
ORDER ASC or DESC Enables ordering

Each parameter must be separated by ampersand ('&') and for each parameter is possible to filter by several values separated by comma (',')


You can add one or more of our predefined search's filters, for example:


Please, note the special notation used in the keyword parameter keyword=%5EOGANGI.*. This will be read as: ^OGANGI.* . This is URL encoding notation. Please read more about HTML URL Encoder


Filter Step Explanation
from=13056708084 Result will only include messages where the FROM is equal to 13056708084
order=desc The result will be sorted from newest to oldest
to=19893143924 Result will only include messages where the TO is equal to 19893143924
keyword=%5EOGANGI.* Result will only contains messages that start exactly with the character sequence OGANGI
carrier=movistar Result will only contains messages from movistar