Use this method to access the main object with which you can access to all the API functionality.
public static Messangi getInstance();
This method returns the shared instance of the Messangi's object.
One of the first init steps, this method will start our internal service for PUSH notifications.
public void init(Context context);
Parameter Name | Description | Possible Values |
context | Parent context on the host App | Context |
The host app have to implement the MessangiListener interface in its main Activity, by doing this the host app enables the reception of PUSH notifications (GeoFences, Beacons, Messages, etc)
After the implementation has taken place you need to pass the Listener Activity to Messangi SDK using this method.
public void addMessangiListener(MessangiListener listener);
Parameter Name | Description | Possible Values |
listener | Activity attending incoming messages (must implement the MessangiListener interface) | MessangiListener |
Launch the default dialog to register the user mobile number with the Messangi SDK, this is optional, host app could implement his own dialog to meet their specific L&F requirements.
public void registerDialog(Context context, Activity activity);
Messangi.getInstance().registerDialog(<context>, <activity>);
The host app could request the internal Messangi Service to extend functionality if needed. For example, the Messangi Service grants access to subscribe/unsubscribe to/from distribution lists, manage your inbox or list your fences and beacons.
We recommend if you are interested on using the Messangi Service to add the following calls into the Activity lifecycle onStart, onResume & onPause as follows:
@Override protected void onStart() { super.onStart(); Messangi.getInstance().init(this); } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); Messangi.getInstance().bindService(); } @Override protected void onPause() { Messangi.getInstance().unBindService(); super.onPause(); }
This method sets the priority of the location request, this configuration will affect the battery consumption, form Google LocationRequest API:
**PRIORITY_BALANCED_POWER_ACCURACY** - Use this setting to request location precision to within a city block, which is an accuracy of approximately 100 meters. This is considered a coarse level of accuracy, and is likely to consume less power. With this setting, the location services are likely to use WiFi and cell tower positioning. Note, however, that the choice of location provider depends on many other factors, such as which sources are available. **PRIORITY_HIGH_ACCURACY** - Use this setting to request the most precise location possible. With this setting, the location services are more likely to use GPS (Global Positioning System) to determine the location. **PRIORITY_LOW_POWER** - Use this setting to request city-level precision, which is an accuracy of approximately 10 kilometers. This is considered a coarse level of accuracy, and is likely to consume less power. **PRIORITY_NO_POWER** - Use this setting if you need negligible impact on power consumption, but want to receive location updates when available. With this setting, your app does not trigger any location updates, but receives locations triggered by other apps.
You can omit calling this method if you want and PRIORITY_NO_POWER will be used as default
public void setLocationType(int type)
Use this method to indicate the frequency rate to update the device location, the default value is 10000ms (10 seg)
public void setLocationUpdateTime(long updateTime);
Parameter Name | Description | Possible Values |
updateTime | Time in millis to update the device location | Number |
Messangi.getInstance().setLocationUpdateTime(<frequency ms>);
Log events with Messangi SDK, they will be available to review later in our Kibana
public void logEvent(final Context context, final String eventType, final String extraInfo, final String campaignName);
Parameter Name | Description | Possible Values |
context | Context to store/read internal parameters by Messangi SDK | Context |
eventType | A tag string to represent the event you want to track later at the report tool | Text |
extraInfo | Additional information to add in this record | Text |
campaignName | The campaign name related to this event, could be null | Text |
Messangi.getInstance().logEvent(<context>, <eventType>, <extraInfo>, <campaignName/Title>);