MT Inline Search String
Available Search filters
Name | Possible Values | Description |
APPNAME | Text | Filter messages for a particular App |
PLATFORM | ANDROID or IOS | Filter messages for a particular OS |
BLASTID | Text | Filter messages for a particular blast |
TYPE | EMAIL, PUSH, SMS, VOICE, GEOPUSH, GEOFENCE_PUSH, BEACON_PUSH or FACEBOOK | Choose which kind of messages you want to retrieve. It is possible to filter by several values separated by comma (',') |
CARRIER | Text | Filter the response by the Carrier's Name |
FROM | Text | Filter the response by FROM |
TO | Text | Filter the response by TO |
ORDER | ASC or DESC | Enables ordering |
STATUS | A valid system's status | Please consult first the valid status in our message's status appendix. It is possible to filter by several values separated by comma (',') |
Each parameter must be separated by ampersand ('&') and for each parameter is possible to filter by several values separated by comma (',')
You can add one or more of our predefined search's filters, for example:
Filter Step | Explanation |
order=desc | The result will be sorted from newest to oldest |
type=email,sms | Result will contains email and sms messages |