

Value Name Description
1 BY_DISTRIBUTION_LIST Target users are contained in a distribution list
2 BY_USERPREFERENCES Campaign Manager Internal notification process
3 BY_OSM Triggered by O.S.M.
4 BY_CUSTOM_LIST Target users were contained in a volatile distribution list
5 BY_FTP Target users are contained on a FTP file
6 BY_FILE_UPLOAD Target users are contained in a file uploaded trough the Campaign Manager
7 BY_EMAIL Target users are contained in a email's distribution list
8 COMBINED Target users are mixed between multiple methods
9 BY_EMAIL_CUSTOM Target users were contained in a volatile email's distribution list
10 BY_ADDR_BOOK Target users are contained into a address book group
11 BY_GEO_PUSH Target users are contained in a GeoFence


Value Name Description
1 STATUS_SENDING Broadcast is currently sending
2 STATUS_DONE Broadcast completed
3 STATUS_SUSPENDED Broadcasts suspended due errors or through the Campaign Manager
4 STATUS_ABORTED Broadcast was aborted
5 STATUS_FORCED_SUSPENDED Broadcast was forced to suspend