Analytics allow you to examine raw events and data with the purpose of drawing conclusions from user's interactions. Every user interaction with the Messangi platform is stored in an Analytics platform where it can be filtered and aggregated to extract meaningful information. Information is displayed and consumed in user generated dashboards that can target specific areas depending of the information that needs to be extracted. All events are stored using the same data types, allowing cross campaign and cross channel Analytics and Intelligence.
All events in the Analytics platform share some common fields including the Campaign Name. This is the main field to aggregate events when analyzing a single campaign. For example, if a SMS blast containing a Scratchcard is sent and both the blast and the Scratchcard share the same name, the Analytics platform will aggregate events for both interactions. This means that the SMS MT, the Delivery Receipt, the click event in the link and the scratch event in the Scratchcard will all be stored as events for the same user in the same campaign, providing an insight into customer behavior and engagement.
Depending on the event source it may contain the user's location. This means that aggregations can be created in order to display customer behavior in specific geographic areas. This information can also be used to aggregate nearby events in order to display location based behavior to improve future campaigns. SMS events will not include location information unless the carrier is able to provide it, but Scratchcards (which do provide location data) can be used inside SMS campaigns to deliver coupons, prizes or information creating an engaging customer experience and adding location data to interactions.
Once a campaign has been created all events will be displayed in the corresponding dashboard. If the preexisting dashboards do not fit your needs you can always create a new one using the web interface. Aggregation can then be used to filter and zoom in to explore the data, events and interactions.
Events are ingested into the platform either via Campaign Manager elements (SMS, Push Notifications, Geofences, iBeacons, Passbook, etc), the REST API logEvent method, or the Mobile SDK using the logEvent facility for iOS or Android.
The SDK, Scratchcards and Passboks log certain events automatically if enabled. However, custom events can be easily added. For example, if an app developer wishes to capture when users open the app they can add the following code to the onCreate() event:
// Android: Messangi.getInstance().logEvent(this, "APP_OPEN", ""); // iOS: [[Messangi sharedInstance] logEvent:@"APP_OPEN" andExtraInfo:@""];
Please note that no additional parameters are needed: location, platform, time information and any other BI elements are automatically added by the platform. The app developer will now be able to aggregate events using the event type APP_OPEN in the dashboard to extract intelligence from the user's behavior and patterns.
Please refer to the following topics to find more information about the Analytics platform: